- 专为EPP泡沫和蜂窝元件设计的系统
- 适用于几乎所有的EPP泡沫尺寸
- 非常适合独立于公差的装配,因为不需要先导孔
- 便于泡沫膨胀后的组装
- 高的可传递拉力
- 高扭矩
- 使用塑料材料节省重量
- 可循环使用

Applications Engineer
EJOT® EPPsys RSD (德语„Reibschweißdom“ 代表 摩擦焊接底孔) 是一种适用于EPP泡沫材料和PP蜂窝板的有效紧固元件。这种创新的摩擦焊接技术直接将紧固件嵌入EPP泡沫中,并安全地将其与熔融材料连接。然后,可以使用毅结特EVO PT®螺钉在EPPsys RSD上完成可靠的直接紧固。
EJOT Delta Tubus as an alternative to friction welding

If the EJOT® EPPsys RSD and its assembly after foaming are not suitable for you, it is also possible to create a joint with our Delta Tubus elements. These parts are inserted into the mould before the foaming process and subsequently surrounded by the EPP or similar foams. Thus, after opening the mould, you get a finished component that already contains the joining elements. EVO PT® screws 40 or 50 are used for fastening in this case.
Easy insert solution with the EPP insert

The EPP insert is the easiest solution for creating a screw-in option in foams. This element can be pressed into pre-drilled components thanks to its special ribbed geometry. No special assembly technology is required here – all that is needed is to ensure that the foam component has a pre-hole. This can be drilled or already created during the foaming process. The EPP insert is available with a metric M5 thread. Further hole geometries upon request.